What we're looking for in LOOP's next great Product Leader

We are searching for a product leader and I’ve felt it difficult to encapsulate the essence of what we’re looking for exactly. Perhaps because I am looking for an artist. Taking some inspiration from Rick Ruben, I came to these…

Good judgment

Most great things are felt on a gut level. Worry less about whether the work is comprehended, great art is created through freedom of self expression and received with the freedom of individual interpretation. In the process we come to understand a new and unexpected destination. Worry less about the ‘Why’

Good Taste

Art does not fall short, it resonates or it doesn’t. A work can resonate when imperfect or incomplete, so long as it has a clear point of view. There is no falling short, there is only our artistic filter, our taste, and discipline to build. 

Feel free to copy the work that inspires you on your road. The culture informs who you are and your work reaches back into the culture. Divergent points of view, creativity, and self expression are the same thing. 


No degrees of any kind required.

But you MUST have worked at a high growth startup at a high-growth time, because you hold a very specific playbook.

Looking for your next adventure?


Work towards a full first draft and maintain momentum. Work around blockages and avoid your instinct to build sequentially.

The context that emerges as you build more makes the path clear and keeps teams motivated - the more of the work you can see, the easier it is to place pieces. The more we can bring ourselves to release work the less weight our insecurities hold. 

Driven to create

Art is to do something skillfully, bringing yourself to make the finest work you can. It is egoless and developed beyond the need for approval.